So I have decided to start a blog! I think it will be good for me. If you have opinions and ideas, why not share them? Sometimes I feel that I need to constantly check what I say, for fear of hurting others with my words. But, then I need to realize that I cannot please everyone. There will always be someone who is unhappy with what I do... that is life! All I need to do is glorify God with my words and actions to the best of my abilities. Opinions can hurt. They can destroy a nation, ruin a life, and change the future. At the root of many ideas are many opinions, either good or bad. I cannot tell you how to react to all of my posts to come, I can only let you see them. It is your choice on how you react. You may agree with me, and you may not. All I ask is that you hear what I have to say. Life is crazy! It is filled with hardships, broken hearts, mended wounds, lots of love and hate, and many, many choices. In the end, you are only a small flash in the time allotted to this earth. A small flash, but a meaningful one. What are you doing now? What will you be doing in the seconds, minutes, and years to come? All of that will stem from what you have an opinion on now, and essentially what you believe in. So that is why I labeled my blog Tea leaves, books, and searching for the truth. Tea leaves represents the small things in life, such as doing the laundry, writing a letter, or giving a smile. All of these are small, almost insignificant, but they take up time in our life, and therefore cannot be overlooked. The books represent your legacy, like what you leave behind. When you are no longer here, what will others remember? What will be worth writing down? And then, searching for the truth represents exactly what it says: What are you searching for? We all look for something. It is what keeps us going. Day after day, we continue to hope. Hope is wanting to do more, know more, and be more. There are many questions that I wish to have answered. Many truths that I have yet to find....
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